Hurricane Sandy hit the Northeast with crushing force. High winds took down power lines and many were left without heat and power, including me. I was worried about Tulasi devi. BV Madhava Maharaj once said in a class that Tulasi devi puts us under anxiety so we can be anxious about her welfare and thinking of her more. "Oh, I have red spider mites!" and the devotee thinks, "I must do something, I must protect Tulasi devi". Therefore he makes spiritual advancement.
The first day it got down to 58F in the house, which is cold but okay (not for long) for Tulasi. The second day was the same. I did not know when the power was going to come back so I took Tulasi devi to my sister's house, who still had power, about 15 minutes away. I am always in anxiety when I have to put her in the car and drive her places, especially since shes gotten quite large.
I rigged up this set-up. |
I put her in the car carefully and drove her to my sister's house. I brought along my spare T5 Florescent Sun Blaze light, a humidifier, and her spray bottle. As soon as I got there I thought for a minute and rigged up the light, humidifier, and fan. It looked great and finally Tulasi devi had some light, after 2 days of cold and darkness.
I felt really happy and relieved that she was more comfortable. I felt like I had performed some important service. It felt a lot like when I used to serve my Guru when I was living in the ashram. With total focus and concentration, not thinking of anything else but his welfare and comfort.
All glories to Tulasi devi, who puts us under anxiety so we can become more anxious in her service!
The same day I brought her to my sister's house, the power came back! That night I brought her back to my house and put her back in the room with her humidifier, fan, and Metal Halide High intensity discharge light. The temperature came back to a cozy 72F. What an adventure of a day!